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I recently ran into a major problem regarding the scroll link between Ptx 8 and BART. I was editing my project in Ptx 8, then switched to BART to see something, then moved to a different chapter in BART to look up something. When I did so, PTX automatically became the active window again and asked me to save my work before proceeding. That was fine, I did so, but then I was asked AGAIN to save my work, which seemed odd since I wasn’t editing any other Ptx project. But not wanting to lose anything, I saved again, and then PTX and BART moved to the different chapter.
But what I saw in that chapter in Ptx was not what should have been there. Very confusing at first, but I finally realized that that process had copied the entire chapter I had been in (Acts 13) to the chapter I was moving to (Acts 2), overwriting it. It still had Acts chapter 2 at the top, but the text was all chapter 13’s (and chapter 13 was still in place). Fortunately, I was able to use Compare Texts to get chapter 2 back–but this should not have happened in the first place. A few days later the same thing happened again, exactly the same procedure, but then I realized it right away and didn’t puzzle over it.
Has this happened to anyone else?
Paratext developers, please look into this and correct it!

Paratext by (123 points)

1 Answer

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It sounds like this issue. We are aware of the issue and are working on a fix.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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