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I am currently involved with a project which is working on an LWC interlinear as a source text for other minority projects in our region. For reasons I won’t spend the time explaining here, our interlinear is based on the Sinaiticus manuscript instead of UBS4.

When we are finished, we would like to be able to share the Sinaiticus project and the LWC interlinear project with other users so that they could see word-by-word glosses. Theoretically they could open up the interlinearizer (which is what we’re using to create the LWC interlinear), but that is unwieldy and tends to be resource-hungry.

If possible, we would prefer to convert our Sinaiticus project into a Source Language Text so that it can be chosen as an alternative to HEB/GRK or LXX/GRK. Is this possible?

I’ve tried editing the Sinaiticus ssf file with the following attempts but none of them result in what I had hoped.


Thanks, mnjames

Paratext by (1.8k points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

In order for your project to become a “ParaTExt Resource” you would need to contact Reinier de Blois and sign an agreement. It would probably need to be clean enough to be put in the DBL (Digital Bible Library) since all future resource texts will come from that site.

Barb Penner
ParaTExt Resources and support intake

by (150 points)

Thank you. I suspect that for security reasons we would not want our interlinear published publicly (such as on DBL), so I’m not sure we will ever pursue making it a SLT Resource. We may end up making it non-editable and then having other teams view it using the Interlinearizer tool instead of the SLT window.

Please note that a normal Paratext resource can not be used as a SLT resource. As I said, the SLT resources are hard-codded in Paratext and use a special format so you can not add new ones. :disappointed_relieved:

0 votes

No, this is not possible. The list of SLT texts is hard-coded into Paratext. In addition, the project would have to be in a special format which Paratext can not currently create.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes


While the following does not make a project a “resource project” like
those that are downloaded from the UBS website, it will serve somewhat
the same functionality by “being protected”.

To do this you need to turn off “editing enabled” for the project you
want to use as a “resource”.

In Paratext select:

  • Project
  • Project Properties and Settings…
  • the Advanced tab.

About half way down the dialog box is an entry preceded by a check box
called “Editing enabled” (without the quotes). Make sure this box is

While this will “protect” the project from changes, the project will not
appear in the list of available projects as a resource.

Me thinks the ability to call it a resource may be coming sometime in
the future.

Global Publishing Services
Scripture Typesetting trainer & Regular Expression Specialist
Dallas TX

by (571 points)
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