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Today I started using the Biblical Terms Tool. Best I can tell, it seems to be hard-wired to the Greek base text supplied in PT as the source text. However, we are translating from a different Greek text. Is there a way to, say, clone the existing Major Biblical Terms list and tweak it to fit the source text we’re using (Scrivener’s)?

One problem is rather minor: sometimes for a given book you’re told a term is in that book, but it’s not. That’s not necessarily a deal breaker, though.

The other problem rather defeats the purpose of the tool, I think: not all of the terms are listed and/or are not associated with the verses they occur in withiin the alternate source text. E.g., Jude verse one has “beloved” in the source text PT uses. However, in Scrivener’s text, there is “sanctified” instead.

Thus, with the B. T. Tool, it looks as if we’ve missed something in Jude 1 when we review the terms (beloved). But we also know that at least one term was not checked because it’s not in that list (sanctified).

Slightly different topic. This is one reason I think it should be possible to have various source texts and to tweak the tools that are based on them.

Paratext by (153 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

No there isn’t a way to tweak the list in that way. If you are translating from a different source text, then I would suggest you start using the Project Biblical Terms list. This lets you create your own list for your project and can include terms from other factory lists (like the Major Biblical Terms and All Biblical Terms).

EDIT: anon848905 beat me. :sob:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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For a given project it is ideal to create a Project Biblical Terms list (information on this is found in help). In this way, you can add terms from any of the other lists to create your own specific list for checking terms that are important. I believe that PNG has created some lists that they use this way.

by (8.5k points)

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