0 votes

I’m pretty sure I have updated resources before, but now, when I try to update a resource, it tells me “You cannot download the resource FRC97 on this machine because you already have a project of that same name.” Well, yes, I know that… and I’m trying to update it! I’ll attempt to put in a screen shot:

If I delete the resource from the _Resources folder or if I delete the resource using the trash can icon, then the resource goes away and then I can install it. But obviously that shouldn’t be necessary to upgrade an existing resource.

Any thoughts as to what is going wrong and how I can fix it? Thanks.

Paratext by (1.4k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

Yes, this problem was fixed in I’ll see if we can make that update available to everyone so you don’t have to switch to pre-release versions.

EDIT: should now be available to everyone as an automatic update.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

I don’t have a solution, but just want to say that I get the same message when trying to update a resource. And, like you, I ended up deleting the resource from my machine, then it let me download it as New. There certainly seems to be something wrong with the process for updating an existing resource.

by (304 points)

What version of Paratext 8 are you ? I had the same problem before, but with Paratext it went away. To get that version when you click Help > Check for Updates…, you need to hold down the Shift key while clicking the Help menu. Then go to Advanced > Release Stage and check Pre-release (recommended for supporters).

0 votes

I have been living with this issue for awhile. If I really want the update I click on the trash can first and delete the project. Then download the newer version. I am glad to hear it is being resolved.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

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