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One of our translators says that when he starts Paratext 8, it does not stop to prompt him to update, although he is on the newest PT8 update. Furthermore, his project resources do not show. The resources folder seems to be empty, potentially files deleted by antivirus.
When Steve White looked at the problem, everything seemed to be normal, but when the translator tries now, nothing has improved. He had uninstalled it and then re-installed, but most likely without using his license key.
Any ideas?

Paratext by (175 points)

1 Answer

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He can’t run it at all without a license key, so it seems unlikely that he’s not using one.

Did you mean that it does prompt him to update even though he’s on the latest version? If so, what version does he have? What happens when he attempts to update?

If the _Resources folder is empty, then that would be why he can’t find his resources. What anti-virus software is he using?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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