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In Paratext, I have the automatic update ticked, and it informed me when the new update was downloaded. As usually, I opted for installing the update and clicked yes on the next windows that asks for permission to change things on the computer. Then a window pops up that tells me to wait while changes are made. And then another window that tells me to close a running Paratext application. But I cannot close this, because I don’t see anything open.
If I close this second window, I end up at my old version …71. If I close the first window, it goes into cancelling the update. What can I do to make the update happen?

Paratext by (175 points)

1 Answer

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This sounds like a previous problem report - the downloaded file was somehow the wrong version of the file so nothing happened when it was run.

Try downloading the patch from here and running it manually by double-clicking on the file:



Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)


I have the same problem. I downloaded the patch and ran it outside of Paratext, and got the same result: “Paratext 8 installer ended prematurely because of an error…”

My solution was to open the task manager. Paratext was not open in the normal tasks. but for some reason it ran two background tasks. After closing those, it went fine, and
I was able to install the update.

It turns out that PTX update wasn’t working on my machine because of some incompatibility with SIL fonts. (Thanks, John+Wickberg, for finding this!) First the log file showed a problem (1603) with the DoulosSIL-R.ttf font. Deleting it was a bear! I couldn’t do it through Windows and using the command line just gave me “Access denied” messages. I finally managed to delete the offending font in Safe Mode. Then I got the same message about the Charis font. This time I got the latest versions of those fonts from the internet and installed both Doulos & Charis sets. I ran the installer again, and it returned error 1603 again. This time it was the Galatia font set. Once more, I got a newer version of the fonts from the internet, and installed them. The third time was the charm. Glad to report that I now have Paratext up and running. But, the question remains, why would Paratext updater have problems with SIL fonts to begin with?

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