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What is the correct/recommended way for an organization to share a customized base project plan with multiple projects? There is a similar question by anon421222 (on Feb 24), but the topic contains NO answers.

Paratext by (2.5k points)

3 Answers

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I am not finding how to make a new base plan in Help, but I thought for sure it was there.

To Make a Base Plan.

Open the project that has a project plan that you wish to share as a base plan.
Open File menu, then Project Plan
Holding down the shift key click the Manage Plans button
Make any other changes to the plan
Click on the Save as a Base Plan button
Give the plan a unique name

The XML file with the name you just gave it is will be in the directory c:\MyParatext8projects_standardPlans. Go there and copy that file.
Copy the file into c:\MyParatext8projects_standardPlans directory on the computers that need to use the plan.
The administrator for each project will need to choose the new base plan for their projects

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
+1 vote

The Paratext help topics on the subject are:
How do I save project progress settings as a base project plan?
How do I copy a base project plan to another project?

by [Expert]
(733 points)
0 votes

Thanks anon421222, I was having a bad day or something. anon421222’t know how I missed these topics.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

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