0 votes

A co-worker writes:

“I am experiencing problems with Paratext 7.5 since I updated to Win 10 Creators update. I have about 10 different windows displayed in Paratext and when I want to go from one to another it takes ages and sometimes Paratext even displays a ‘stopped responding’ line on the top.”

Is anyone else having problems with PText 7.5 on Windows 10 Creators’ Update? I know FLEx users are encountering problems on Creators Update.


Paratext by (238 points)

15 Answers

0 votes

Last week I received a patch to my Windows update 1703, and the slowness of being able to change focus from one window to another became intolerable so I went to Settings and “reset” my Windows 10 It was a lot of work to reinstall software and get it working again, but the performance of Paratext 8 improved enough that I can use it. (This did not fix issues with other SIL software, however.)

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

So do you still have v. 1703 after the reset? Did the reset allow you to roll back to v. 1607?

I still have update 1703, but Paratext is more responsive to mouse clicks than it was. I am still waiting for the fix from Microsoft to completely resolve the problem.

Did resetting Windows 10 this way give you the option to roll back to v. 1607?

0 votes

I imagine you guys have seen that .NET 4.7 is being offered as a “recommended update” for Windows 10 and Windows 7 systems. I applied the registry tweak described above and, after a reboot, that particular update was no longer offered.

Thank you, anon716631, for discovering that workaround and providing a link to it.

by (238 points)

We’re not the only ones to suffer problems from .NET 4.7. The Microsoft Exchange team are having some trouble with it too and have some notes for rolling it back. https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/exchange/2017/06/13/net-framework-4-7-and-exchange-server/

Note that they’re assuming that Exchange is on servers that are being held at the Anniversary Update. Those of us on personal editions, particularly Home, that automatically update to Creators’ can’t use these roll-back instructions.

But we can get rid of .NET 4.7 if it was not installed as part of the Creators Update. See instructions above.

0 votes

HERE we posted on the website some info to help people who ended up with 4.7 installed outside of Creators Update. We really have no reasonable way to verify its accuracy or effectiveness or possible side effects.Sigh.

For me this has been one of the most difficult to know what to do with issues we have ever had. A problem that can happen several different ways. Requires a lot of technical expertise to have any reasonable chance to recover from. Difficult to gather all the possible failure modes and required fixes.

by (646 points)

anon451647, for your information. I had the slowness problem, and solved it with the Windows Insider build 16241. That build is not available now, because they have released a newer one. I would assume the newer one would also fix the bug, but it might have some new problems. anon913665 Nelson, who used to work with Microsoft, thinks Microsoft is likely to release the fix as a public update within the next couple of months.

My report on the Insider build: Microsoft fix for the slowness of Windows 10 Creators Edition

+2 votes

This morning I updated Windows 10 with a cumulative update for Windows 10 Version 1703 for x64-based systems (KB4032188) which seems to have fixed the delay in both Paratext 7 and 8. The Knowledge Base article has this statement: “Addressed issue where some Windows Forms (WinForms) applications that use DataGridView, Menu controls, or call a constructor for a Screen object experienced performance regressions in .NET 4.7. This was caused by additional Garbage Collections. In some cases, there was an empty UI because of a lack of GDI+ handles.”

by (159 points)

Excellent news! I checked and my slowness is also gone. KB4032188 was installed automatically. I am not sure if it was installed because I signed up for Windows Insider updates, or if this update is released for everyone. In any case, it looks like you can download and install the update for Windows 10 here:

I think it is released for everyone since I haven’t signed up for Windows Insider updates.

Could you post the .NET version that’s under KB4032188, please? Thanks.

.NET version 4.7.02046

Thank you, dhigby.


0 votes

The Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (version 1709) solves all these issues. If you want to get it now, go to https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10, click the Update now button and run the Windows10Upgrade9252.exe file that it downloads.

by (346 points)

Thanks, anon716631. Have other people had good results from Win10 CU v. 1709?

Yes, I updated yesterday and have no problems with a slow P8. The NET
Framework is [Phone Removed]on my computer now.


I assume you mean 4.7.02556. At least that is what appears under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full in the registry on my computer.

Yes. A typing error.

Thank you, Iver+Larsen. I updated after reading your and Kȧre’s posts five days ago. Things do seem to be working properly, at last.

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Paratext May 31, 2019 asked by BEH (418 points)
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