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I’m working on a layout and I wanted to limit my page borders to chapter 24, verse 10, as shown in the screenshot. However, after setting the rules from ptxprint-mode.text, it refuses to account for the remaining lines on the new page. Is this normal? Does anyone have a suggestion to fix this issue?

Here is the screenshot for the rule I used.

Thank you in advance for your help.

PTXprint ago by (117 points)

1 Answer

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I wonder if what you are really trying to do is to stop the page border on the last page of a book because bordering a mostly empty page looks daft. If that is the real question then may I suggest looking into text borders instead. This allows borders just around the scripture text and not around intro material or footnotes.

There should be some training materials on this somewhere.

If on the other hand this is not what you want, then do ask again with the higher level desire behind this.
ago by (374 points)
Let me try again. I wanted the page border to stop at page 46, as shown in the screenshot, that is, before chapter 5. The text on page 46 is the continuation of the page with the border at the top. If there are other ways to create specific page borders, they would be welcome.
Otherwise, I know that for the border of an entire book, I can directly use what PTXPrint offers, but in this case, it’s about portions of a book.
Thank you for your help.

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