The current recommended way to change page borders is to use a hook (page or chapter.verse) and the \NewPageBorder{} TeX command. If set to empty, then there will be no page border.
I'm suggesting that (rather than in local, where they might be lost), page borders should exist in the figures directory, where they are shared by send/receive. This probably depends on your team. As far as I know, TeX on windows doesn't mind separating directories with forward slashes, even if they "look wrong".
Be aware that the definition of \PageBorder (which \NewPageBorder changes) is checked when the page is complete, just before it is written to the PDF, not when the first material on the page is added. I.e. turning off page borders when you reach Rev 22:21 will mean that there is no border on the page containing that verse.
Also note that I am writing here about fixed page borders, which are not to be confused with text-borders (which use ornament-including rules to put a variable-sized border around the scripture-text portions of a page, but not around footnotes).