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I'm looking to copy the entire contents of the All Biblical Terms list into the project-specific list. However, Copy all terms to the XXX project is greyed out on my menu. Do I need a particular permission to do it?

Paratext ago by (138 points)

1 Answer

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Yes, this permission is given by default with the consultant or administrator roles. 

You can also assign this specific permission to a translator from the “Users and permissions” window, in the “Other permissions...” button, by checking the box under the “Term” column for the user in question (the column marked in yellow in the following image). This can only be done by a user with Administrator role.


ago by (829 points)
I have the Terms permission for the project, which is why I was surprised that I couldn't do this task. Is it something that only an Administrator can do? If so, I'll ask them to do it.
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