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Please advise what is the best way in Paratext 7.6 to check Old Testament quotes that occur more than once. I assume this is done, using the Parallel Passages Tool. But I cannot find a way to line up the various New Testament references, together with the Old Testament ‘source’ passage. For example, if I want to check Psalm 110:1, which is quoted 5 times (Mat, Mrk, Luke, Acts and Hebrews), and want to see all 5 verses side by side, how do I do it? Viewing All Passages, in the top left filter, for the NT, and then All Parallels, the 5 passages are lined up next to each other, but there is no way to know they come from Psalm 110:1. I think this tool could be improved.

Doing this is a necessary part of final checking a New Testament.

Paratext by (536 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Unfortunately, at this moment you can’t do this from Psalm 110:1. However,
when you are at that verse you can see that Matthew is a parallel. If you
go to the Matthew verse you will be able to line up all of the NT passages.
Again, unfortunately, you have to check it against Psalms as a separate
check. Hopefully this will be fixed in a coming version.


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by (8.3k points)

The parallel passage data that Paratext uses is now corrected to show all the parallels. This is fixed in (or later) which should be released to all 7.6 beta users in the next couple of weeks.

In the screen shot below, the current reference is set to Psalm 110. The two rows for Psalm 110:1 represent two separate parallels.


0 votes

Have you tried the Paratext 6 checklist “OT order of OT quotes in NT”? That is still present in my 7.6 (,

Tools > Checklists > Paratext 6 checklists.

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)
0 votes

There is a pretty significant update of the Parallel Passages tool being considered which I think would give you what you are looking for. Not sure what it’s status is (possible update? under development?), but I really like the mock ups I’ve seen so far.

by (184 points)
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