0 votes
I'm working in a RTL language, but much of our team interacts in English. As a result in the Biblical Terms tool, when we click to open the "Edit Renderings" window, we'd like the "Renderings" section to be RTL (and right justified) but the "Description" window to be LTR (and left justified).

It used to look exactly like this, but something in the past few month or year that has changed. Now the "Description" window is also right justified and when working with bidi text, it's obvious the underlying direction is RTL.

Is there any way to change this back to the way it used to operate? Is that a setting somewhere that I've missed? Or was it a change in the PT code and thus not editable?
Paratext by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
One of the new features in Paratext 9.4 was to support RTL layout of most of the Paratext forms. This is based on the UI language that is being used.

You can see some details about this here: https://paratext.org/features/whats-new/whats-new-in-paratext-9-4/

We didn't add an option to override the RTL layout for RTL languages.
by [Administrator]
(3.1k points)
I guess the timing might be right. But my UI is English, so if the UI were really dictating the direction I'd expect the forms to all be LTR.

It's too bad if this is an unintended consequence of the UI changes.. For what it's worth, the previous behavior of the Rendering window being RTL and the description window being LTR was exactly as we'd have wanted it.
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1 John 1:7
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