Recent questions in PTXprint

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2 answers
PTXprint Nov 10, 2022 asked by anon180868 (188 points)
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2 answers
+1 vote
3 answers
PTXprint Oct 29, 2022 asked by mnjames (1.7k points)
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2 answers
PTXprint Oct 28, 2022 asked by LorenHawthorne (173 points)
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0 answers
PTXprint Oct 27, 2022 asked by Mark P (2.5k points)
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1 answer
PTXprint Oct 18, 2022 asked by Mark P (2.5k points)
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3 answers
PTXprint Sep 9, 2022 asked by joop (110 points)
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1 answer
PTXprint Sep 8, 2022 asked by anon180868 (188 points)
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2 answers
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3 answers
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3 answers
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5 answers
PTXprint Aug 8, 2022 asked by LorenHawthorne (173 points)
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1 answer
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0 answers
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4 answers
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4 answers
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2 answers
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2 answers
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1 answer
PTXprint Jul 4, 2022 asked by Paul (611 points)
Welcome to Support Bible, where you can ask questions and receive answers from other members of the community.
For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
1 Corinthians 12:13
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