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Is there a way to switch keyboards within Paratext Lite when the on-screen keyboard is not visible (for example, when using a Bluetooth keyboard)?

One way I have found makes use of the Keyman app. The process is as follows:
Switch to the Keyman app, change the keyboard, then switch back to any other window to type with that keyboard. The Ctrl+Tab shortcut can facilitate selecting between keyboards within the Keyman App.

Are there ways to switch keyboards without leaving Paratext Lite?
Is there a way to associate keyboards with projects within Paratext Lite?

Paratext Lite by (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

That may be a question for the Keyman team, but I did find this after a quick search. Maybe it’s helpful. :grin:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Thanks for the link, but Keyman seems to override the system keyboard shortcuts. I don’t mind that now that I know how it works. It just means I have to use the Keyman app when I’m switching keyboards.

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