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I have expensive and slow internet, so I try to update software manually at times that are convenient to me. I've updated the paratextlite snap package multiple times over the last few years, and it seems like nearly every time it downloads the newer version, installs it, then gets stuck like this:
$ sudo snap refresh paratextlite
[sudo] Mot de passe de nate :
Monitoring snap "paratextlite" to determine whether extra refresh steps are required


It will stay that way for hours, seemingly. I can eventually fix it, but I never remember what I do. Cancel, then reboot the computer and try again?
Paratext Lite by (282 points)

1 Answer

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I haven't seen this, but maybe because I don't 'hold' updates.

you likely have done all this but:

1. look for errors

journalctl -u snapd

2. restart snapd

sudo systemctl restart snapd snapd.socket

Your description makes me think it could be ParatextLite running during the 'refresh'. Now normally the refresh would quickly fail, and tell you the process id's of the running ParatextLite processes, but I wonder if the package hasn't been updated for an extended time it might try an updated anyway, forcing closing of running processes, and maybe this is the cause of the hang. Just a guess...

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

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