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Hi there.

What are the minimum and recommended system requirements for Paratext Lite?

I am advising a local BTO as they prepare a new project proposal, and they are wondering what kind of tablets they should buy. Is 8GB RAM enough for optional performance? Do I need to check the processor or any other specs?

I checked the app description on the Play Store and this forum but couldn't find the information.

Thanks so much!

Paratext Lite by (364 points)

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Hi Alex,

We don't seem to have any official minimum specs.

Here is an old document in which different (now fairly old) hardware models were discussed in the past Hardware Information

My guess would be that 8GB would be more than enough RAM to give optional performance. As for minimum, I would recommend 3GB. (However most of the time 2GB would likely work fine. If a device only had 1GB I wouldn't be surprised if problems were experienced with normal usage).

I don't have any recommendation about specific android processors, but if I were spec-ing out tablets for Paratext Lite, I would compare the processor on cpu bench mark .

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

selected by
Thanks so much! That answers my question really well.

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