0 votes

Paratext by (148 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

I suspect a problem with the stylesheet that Paratext is using for your project. Did this just suddenly start happening? Maybe your stylesheet has been deleted or manually edited. Try repairing the Paratext installation by going to Settings in Windows and clicking on “Modify”

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
0 votes

If you still need help, I am happy to connect to you via the internet, to take a look. My Skype name is anon758749, my email is [Email Removed]

by (536 points)

Thankyou !
I am out of office
Next week i will contact you please

IT& LT coordinator
IT help desk/ LT Specialist L1
Cabtal Region du Centre-Sud
Tel:[Phone Removed]
Skype: anon605793
Remote support: 12-anon605793

i still need help sorry for being so late
we can setup a zoom meeting so that you can take a kook

OK anon605793. I will contact you via Skype, so please accept my contact request. We can then set up a time to Zoom.

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