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I’m currently working on the Wordlist, and to make sure I’m up to date I just installed Paratext 9.2.

  1. In the Wordlist Morphology field for ‹Aezek› (which is the transliteration for Isaac) two occurrences are listed as follows:
    ‘/aezek/ ; /Aezek/’.
    If I click on it, I get the message ‘The morphology for words with multiple parses can be edited only in the Project Interlinearizer.’

But how can I find this offending lowercase ‘aezek’ in the Interlinearizer? In the translated text it is always uppercase.

  1. In the translated text and in the Wordlist ‘Aezek’ also occurs correctly as ‘Aezék’, with a tone mark. (Whether a word like that carries a tone mark or not depends on its position in the clause and the form of the verb that it relates to.)

Now in the Morphology column for ‹Aezék› two occurrences are listed as follows:
‘Aezék/ ; /Aezek/’.
If I click on it I get the same message as above. Since there are only two occurrences of ‹Aezék› in the text (with this tone mark) I looked at them in the Interlinearizer and made sure that the word parse for both of them is ‹Aezek› (without a tone mark), but the Wordlist still complained that ‹aezék› had multiple parses and that this could only be edited in the Interlinearizer.

  1. I’m also not quite sure what I should do with our tone marks in general in the Wordlist Morphology fields. It seems that I can delete any tone marks in the Morphology fields without any problems, and since an individual tone on its own doesn’t carry a function/meaning, this seems to me preferable. Might there be any problem in the future if I did that throughout?

In the translated text we also correctly have, for example, ‹Aezaya-qa› and ‹Aezaya-qá› (‘Isaiah’s’) and thus two entries in the Wordlist, which is correct too.

Now something interesting happened: When I deleted the tone mark in the Morphology field of the second entry (‹Aezaya-qá›), the problem in ‹Aezék› I described in point 2 suddenly disappeared! Now only ‹Aezek› is listed in the Morphology.
I wonder if that’s a bug.

  1. It seems there’s also another bug in the Interlinearizer. Whenever I press Ctrl+S to save it, the Interlinearizer disappears.

If you have any insight about any of these points I would love to hear from you.


Paratext by (234 points)

2 Answers

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Hi rfkvg,

As to getting rid of a parse (or lower case entry) you don’t want, in the interlinearizer of a verse with Aezek in it, can’t you click on either the word in the top line or the gloss in the third line and see the two entries Aezek and aezek and click on the red x to delete the one you don’t want? I think that would remove that parse wherever it occurs.

I don’t know if the interlinearizer would then apply the remaining parse to the instance that had the lower case parse or not but otherwise you could filter the Word list to show entries with No approved morphology to find it.

No guarantees but might be worth a try.


by (218 points)

Hi Jan+Gossner
Nice to hear from you.
I had tried that in PT 9.1 and it definitely didn’t work there. Now in PT 9.2, where things look a bit different, I did it again, but at first the problem persisted. Only after I clicked on a different word in the Wordlist the lowercase variant ‹aezek› disappeared. Maybe PT just needs a bit more time for such things since I have a rather long Wordlist (24000 words). Or is it a bug?
The problem of the Interlinearizer window just closing when I do Ctrl+S is still there. Do others have that issue too?

There is a known issue with the Interlinear in 9.2 when doing an interlinear without a model text will close when doing a save. This should be fixed in the upcoming patch to 9.2 - which should be available in the next few days.
Does that seem like it might be what you’re seeing? If not, please use Help > Give feedback after seeing the problem so we can take a look at it.

I’m not having trouble with Interlinearizer closing on Ctrl+S. I do have a model text.

You can also refresh the list from the menu or with f5.


Thanks again, Jan+Gossner. I often use F5 to refresh in other programs but it didn’t occur to me (or I forgot) that you could do that in Paratext too. I’ll do that when things don’t seem to update as expected.

The patch with the fix ( is now out to users that get pre-release versions. It should go out to all 9.2 users next week.

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Thanks for that, anon291708. That seems to be the issue. I’ll check with the new patch when it comes out.

by (234 points)

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