I complete this information for Wycliffe projects, and this is what we do:
*Localised Full Name: Name of the Language Community.
*Localised Description: Name of the Language Community followed by Canon (Bible, NT, Portion)
You can leave the Localised Description blank.
*Abbreviation: should be the ISO code (found on the Basic tab following the Language)
*Localised Abbreviation: ISO code followed by a delimeter if there are several dialects that use the same ISO. For example, there are 5 Huave languages, so I would put huvJ (for Jucitan), huvSM (for San Mateo) These will probably not match the Paratext Short Name, but should be in Latin script, as they are for the benefit of DBL publishers.
*Audience has to do with the education level of the readers of the text. We use “Common” for almost every text. If it is specifically a children’s bible, you would to use "Children. If it is an “easy read” Bible, you may want to use “Basic”.
*The Media field is where you define how the text is going to be shared. For the DBL, it will be Electronic. If you plan to license it to FCBH for audio files, it will be Audio as well.
*The Promotion Text will show up in digital publishers’ apps at the bottom of a “page”. So, if you have a website you would like people to be directed to for more information, this is a good place to put it.