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When it comes to the book of Psalms, we would like to use the plural “Psalms” in book titles and in the table of contents, but use the singular “Psalm” when it comes to references.

Book titles:

  • Long (toc1): The book of Psalms
  • Short (toc2): Psalms
  • Abbreviation (toc3): Ps

Scripture references:

  • Long: Psalm 1:2
  • Short: Psalm 1:2
  • Abbreviation: Ps 1:2

(Our target language is not English, but I thought I would use an English example since the issue is the same.)

How do I do this? Should I put the singular in the Scripture Reference Settings, and the plural in the USFM text?

Paratext by (443 points)

1 Answer

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I see now this help text:

When you close the Scripture reference settings dialog, Paratext updates and/or creates \toc lines with the information from the cells of the Book Names chart. To avoid conflicts between \toc information and information in the Book Names table, we recommend that you use only the Book Names table to add and/or modify Book Names information.

If I look at English translations like ESVUS16, it seems that it set the Psalm names like this, both in the Scripture reference settings, and in the USFM:

  • Long Name (toc1): The Psalms
  • Short Name (toc2): Psalm
  • Abbreviation (toc3): Ps.

Similarly for other English translations. So I’ll copy that solution.

by (443 points)
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Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:46-47
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