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When giving scripture references across chapters the Komba team prefers to mark it as follows 1:1 – 3:5.
That is to say . However, it appears that Scripture Reference Settings is not able to handle a space before the character only after the character. If we put a space before the character an error is registered. Can this be adjusted? I suspect others also have this as a preferred convention. To this team, the em-dash with no spaces is too long and is not pleasing to the eye.

Paratext by (118 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

I just tried it in my test project and it let me add “(space)–(space)” as my chapter range separator just fine. It would probably be easier if you just use Help > Report a problem with detailed steps on how to reproduce the problem in your project.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

It might be that you misunderstood. I can add “space–space” into the text and into the Scripture reference settings as the chapter range separator - no problem. However, when I run basic checks (the reference check to be specific) an error is registered. If I remove the initial space in the text and in the Scripture reference settings the error disappears. Is that what you understood me saying?

Was this question resolved? I just experienced the same problem and am wondering if there is a solution to it? I put “space-space” in the Scripture Reference Settings for the ‘Range of chapters or books’ and used the same thing in references in the text (specifically in book introductions) but when I Run Basic Checks > References, those are listed as errors. Why are they marked as errors and how can I fix it, so that Paratext recognizes them as being right?

Perhaps the error flag is coming from the punctuation check rather than the reference check? Check your punctuation inventory and make sure that you’ve validated the sequence there also.


0 votes

To help solve your issue, we need an example reference that is failing in your project, all of the settings from your Scripture Reference Settings, and the error message you are getting.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
+1 vote

I’ve used Help > Give Feedback to report this issue to the developers. It appears that it is not possible to include spaces in this way at this time.

by (8.5k points)
We have always use [space][em-/en-dash][space] for our chapter/book ranges.

I am sure this was valid in previous versions of Paratext (or maybe it's been too long since I last checked texts to remember this correctly).

It validates correctly if there are no verses in the range, only chapters.
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1 Corinthians 12:13
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