0 votes

The Hebrew/Greek interlinear resource is a very useful lemma search tool that can generate and save searches for single or multiple units in a .ref format. In previous versions of PT, there was a option under Tools > Lists that allowed you to open the list window and in it open a saved .ref list. Is there a way to open this window in PT9 apart from generating a search list? I cannot find it in the current menu display layouts.

Paratext by (111 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

This may be a good place for a reminder about using the Search dialog at the top of the Paratext window. As you can see from the screenshot, when I type in the word “list” I see a number of possible menus and/or help topics that include the word or phrase. One of these is the “Results list” and helpfully I can just click the blue link to open that item.

by (8.5k points)
+1 vote

It’s in the main menu under Advanced > Results list (cf. screenshot)

by (848 points)
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