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Hi all
As I was cleaning up some of the old projects in Paratext, I find some lists of things used which I need to find and replace in bulk
for example.
‘MAT’ > ‘मत्ती’
‘MRK’ > ‘मरकुस’
‘LUK’ > ‘लूका’
‘JHN’ > ‘योहन’
‘ACT’ > ‘परेरितहुंण’
‘1CO’ > ‘1 कुरिन्थिहुंण’
‘2CO’ > ‘2 कुरिन्‍थिहुंण’
Earlier I used CCTable for finding a lists like MAT, MRK etc in \fig (picture) and replace the found item with respective change only in the \fig.
I am curious to know whether there is already something similar to this in Paratext / RegEx Pal to find a list of item to replace to the respective item in the lists

thanks for the advice in advance…

I found out that Notepad ++ and 2problems can do the same (but not in a particular field like only in \fig…

Paratext by (327 points)

1 Answer

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You can use RegexPal to read a file with multiple search/replace phrases, here is an explanation:

by (848 points)

Thank you anon719148 for pointing the link… I tried it with Roman Script and it is working. But it is not working with Devanagiri Script (Non Roman Script)

for example

It skips the first search but maches only the second one from the lists

I’m sorry, it seems like only ANSI-characters are possible to use. This is an older encoding only for roman script, not Unicode/UTF-8. (cf. Using a list for replacing in RegEx Pal - #4 by phil_leckrone).
Currently, I see three options to go ahead in this case:

  1. Use CCTable again
  2. file a feature request for RegexPal to read UTF-8 files properly
  3. find and adapt a script from there: A new place to let people know about your custom python scripts for Paratext

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