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My Paratext updated sometime in the last day or so to the latest Beta: This somehow corrupted my HEB/GRK resource:

I checked out the help topic on repairing Paratext, and took those steps, but it didn’t help.

However, just now I closed that HEB/GRK window and opened a new one, and everything seems to be working. And the configuration of that window is even the same as the old one.

So what happened was a little disconcerting, but a simple closing and re-opening the tab seems to take care of the problem.

Paratext by (1.3k points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

The error message is very strange. It’s complaining about a missing DC.p8z resource, but Paratext does not ship with such a thing. If someone else gets this same problem (i.e. not the problem where it complains about corrupted resources during the loading period), please use Help > Send feedback so we can look into this problem. It looks unrelated to previous problems we’ve had.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


I’ve sent in a report.

Furthermore, I think I can repeat the problem by:
Searching our main project for a diacritic (0x0656).
Cancelling the search… which freezes up PT
Killing the program
Restarting it

0 votes

Yes, and the suggested repair solution doesn’t work.

by (188 points)

Which suggested repair? The “How do I repair my Paratext installation?” or what I suggested of closing the window and reopening? If the latter, then I would suggest that you try BOTH suggestions - repair Paratext (from the programs list), and then close and reopen HEB/GRK. I tried the first and it didn’t help, so I tried the second, and it worked… but it may be that BOTH steps are required.

I meant the repair suggested by Paratext. If others can confirm that it doesn’t actually work (or at least not immediately), the Help text may need rewording to avoid it causing frustration for users.

0 votes

This is definitely a new bug in Paratext. I was able to easily reproduce it by restarting Paratext while showing the GLO book (it will probably happen when restarting while showing any non-canonical book).

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


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