0 votes

I have a user who is having an issue that when he opens HEB/GRK Resource in PT8 the window is blank and the title bar simply says SLTForm. However, it opens fine in PT9.

I ran Repair from the PT8 installer but the issue remains.

Anyone have any ideas to resolve this issue?

Paratext by (128 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Have you tried closing the window and opening it up new? Or you can try resetting Paratext (hold shift while starting the Paratext program). This should ask if you want to reset the settings (yes) and report a problem (no in this case). You will need to set up the windows again and you will need to set up Send/Receive again, but no data will be lost.

by (8.5k points)

Thank you anon848905, resetting Paratext did the trick!

0 votes

Sometimes I have found that simply changing the verse will get the SLT window to refresh.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

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1 Corinthians 12:13
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