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How do I specify the books for which I want to track project progress?
This can only be done by a project administrator.
Follow the steps below to specify the books for which you want to track project progress:
- Click the tab of your project to make it the active tab.
- Click the tab menu icon in your project, then from the Project menu, point to Project settings, and select Project properties.
- On the “Books” tab, do either or both of the following:
- Select the books for which you want to track progress.
- Deselect the books for which you do not want to track progress.
Deselecting a book does NOT remove it from the project.
- Click OK.
Project progress is calculated based on the total number of verses in the books that you specified.
Books without verses (for example, a glossary) cannot be tracked for project progress.
If you copy books to your project, import books into your project, or create new books in your project, a message will ask if you want to track progress for the new book(s).
Click Yes if you want to track progress for those books.