0 votes

project plan is not telling me how many verses are drafted.
Is there a way to set up the settings withing my project plan so that it tells me:
-number of verses drafted
-number of verses drafted and tested
-number of verses drafted and tested and consultant checked

Paratext by (250 points)

12 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

ok i got it to work. I can watch the videos now. But Can I get ptx to mark Ruth and Jonah as complete and approved when the consultant has approved them even though there are still some minor issues like spelling checks and key terms which are still not keyed in to the key terms database. See attached.

can you help me figure out how to indicate that these tasks are done
by (250 points)


I’m not really sure what you are asking. If all the stages have been marked complete, but there are still issues that are not marked correct then you have to make choices about what you want to do with those issues.
My expectation would be that the issues get handled. This might mean going to the Wordlist and marking words as correct (if they are correct) or fixing the words that are incorrect. If there are in fact incorrect words then obviously the text is not complete. If all the words are correct then you should be able to mark them correct in the Wordlist.
You can also turn checks on and off in the project plan (under the checks tab). So for instance if you are not the parallel passage check in Paratext, then you can turn this off in the project plan under the checks tab. This is done for the entire project - you can’t turn off a check for just one or two books. Either the check is on or it is off and those results will show up in Assignments and Progress.
The checks are there to help make the text as consistent and accurate as possible so I recommend not turning things off - it is best to fix the issues where possible.

+1 vote

This isn’t quite what you asked, but in the Registry you can now go to the project progress tab, click “Show unapproved Paratext progress”, scroll down to the second section with all the bars, and hover your mouse over the stage bars of the first row. It will pop up a message telling you how many verses have been fully completed for that stage.

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)


thank you anon070596. I assume you are referring to this link:
what do we do if entire books are missing from the progress tab?

+1 vote

If books are missing entirely from that tab then they have not been added to the project in Paratext.

If books are showing up as 0% done then they have not been marked as done in Paratext (or the person doing so has not pushed their changes to the Send/Receive server).

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)
0 votes

hi anon070596, could you send me the steps for adding books to the project plan? I know I go to the PTX project menu, then PROJECT SETTINGS->PROJECT PLAN. But when I do that, I anon421222’t see a way to add the entire book of Luke or to add chapters for Genesis. I clicked on “manage plans” but that did not help.

by (250 points)

Try the following:
How do I specify the books for which I want to track project progress?

This can only be done by a project administrator.

Follow the steps below to specify the books for which you want to track project progress:

  1. Click the tab of your project to make it the active tab.
  2. Click the tab menu icon in your project, then from the Project menu, point to Project settings, and select Project properties.
  3. On the “Books” tab, do either or both of the following:
  • Select the books for which you want to track progress.
  • Deselect the books for which you do not want to track progress.
    Deselecting a book does NOT remove it from the project.
  1. Click OK.

Project progress is calculated based on the total number of verses in the books that you specified.

Books without verses (for example, a glossary) cannot be tracked for project progress.

If you copy books to your project, import books into your project, or create new books in your project, a message will ask if you want to track progress for the new book(s).
Click Yes if you want to track progress for those books.

0 votes

Hi anon421222, I followed your suggested steps above. What is my next step to learn the number of verses drafted, tested and consultant checked?

by (250 points)
0 votes

For the progress in the Registry to show up for a book, the tasks have to be marked as complete by someone in Paratext, and the checks have to pass. Once this occurs, you can see the progress (including the number of verses) done for a stage as outlined in my first reply.

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)
0 votes

is my consultant the only one who can mark those as “complete”?
or can i do it?
If I can do it, please tell me how.

by (250 points)

If the task is assigned to you then you should be able to mark it complete. If you have not seen this video, here is a video on marking tasks complete

0 votes

Hi anon848905, for some of the small books (Jonah and Ruth) the consultant has already approved these but they are not showing up as done or approved in my project plan (see attached)can you help me figure out how to indicate that these tasks are done can you help me figure out how to show these as approved and done?

by (250 points)

Have you restarted Paratext? Windows?
Have you done a Paratext reset? (You can see how to do this by searching for “reset” in help)

hi anon848905, I did restart Windows, and I did restart Paratext but I still see several steps/phases that are listed as “in progress” Please see the bottom part of this attached file.

0 votes

Ruth and Jonah actually do show up as complete for this project in the Registry:

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)

hi anon070596, i would like to also have it show up as complete on this site (see attached)


It looks to me like you need to watch these videos on new features of PT9.1. One of the videos is on Bulk Progress in Assignments and Progress.

It is not possible to approve later stages if a check is incomplete at an earlier stage. So using the Bulk Progress option of turning off the checks temporarily and then approving the tasks or stages allows you to mark progress.

I went to your link regarding the videos and I clicked on some video icons but it did not start up any videos. I think I need to know how to turn off certain checks like spelling checks that we decided not to do so that I can mark a book as approved.

0 votes

ok thanks anon848905. Can PTX tell us how many verses are drafted, how many are tested and how many are consultant checked?

by (250 points)


I’m not aware of any feature in Paratext that will tell how many verses have been handled. You could probably calculate it if you looked up how many verses are in each chapter. I anon421222’t have that information at my fingertips. There are a number of lists on the web that indicate how many verses in each chapter and you can see this information in the .vrs files in Paratext.


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