0 votes

In “Paratext Projects” in each project’s “.hg” folder, I have a lot of files named:


… where c is a character. Some are as much as 2½ years old, and they consume quite a lot of space:

  • In our main project: 452 MB;
  • Altogether: 733 MB.

My question is, can I delete the old ones? If so, how many days old does a bundle have to be before I can delete it?


Paratext by (1.4k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

The .hg folder contains the history of the project. You should not delete or attempt to modify files in that folder. Having said that - one of the developers would need to address your question about the .hg10un files. Unfortunately, as projects mature the history can become quite large - making it very difficult to receive a project for the first time (if adding a consultant for example).

by (8.5k points)

I did a search and found some comments suggesting these could be work files
left around because of a Mercurial bug.

The safest way to find out would be to do a s/r to an empty USB drive
(doesn’t have to be empty, but this would be best way to get a clean copy)
and see if the files are in that copy. If they aren’t, you can then delete
the project and restore it from the USB drive.


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