0 votes

How does an administrator delete a user from the PT Registry? Against each user in the Registry, I only see a View button.

This would be useful:

  • When a user permanently leaves all translation projects they’re involved in;
  • When for any reason a new ID is created for a user, and the old one is no longer needed.
Paratext by (1.4k points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

It is actually possible to delete a user from the Registry, once the user has been removed from all Paratext 8 projects. However, to do that, you need to have an administrative role in the organisation that the user is listed under.

The user can also remove their own account (again, once they have been removed from all projects in Paratext) by going to the Settings page (which can be found by clicking their name in the top-right corner) and clicking the big red button at the bottom of the page.

The feature whereby users can change their registration name will hopefully be pushed to the live server next weekend.

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)

So how do I get an “administrative role”? (NB I live in the SIL world.)

That’s really useful to know.

If a user changes their registration name, what will happen to the record of their changes in the Project History of the projects they belong to?

If a user changes their registration name, what will happen to the record of their changes in the Project History of the projects they belong to?

The old name will remain in the project history unless a project administrator uses Convert Project to create a new project with old name(s) replaced.

We recently implemented a name-changing feature and I believe you’ll see it in the production website very soon. At that point, to learn more, anyone can go to their profile page in the Registry and pretend to start to change their own name. The dialog will show some information and will link to an online Help page. Both links in the screenshot below go to that page.


Contact an existing administrator in your organisation about this, such as Doug Higby.

In the third bullet point in the information box you included, can I suggest that the old username – in this case “anon468618” – should be in bold, as it is elsewhere in the box.

0 votes

I think the idea is that the user will not ever be deleted, but might lose permissions for doing stuff (i.e. be removed off of projects they were on or removed as a member from an organization).

There is an upcoming feature where users can change their registration names (currently in the testing phase) so this shouldn’t be an issue going forward.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

Updated the title of this thread to reflect the topics being discussed.

by (1.4k points)
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