0 votes

Our team is urgently working on the last few chapters for a translation workshop that is almost halfway finished already this month, but the Biblical Terms tool just got corrupted and the corruption is being shared among teammates through the send/receive process. That is a tool we are working with a lot these days.

A teammate contacted me this morning because his Paratext wasn’t showing any Biblical Terms. I couldn’t figure out what the problem (all filters and projects were correct), and so I suggested a send/receive to see if that would resolve the issue. It didn’t. Then after I completed a send/receive, I inherited the issue. Here is the screenshot of my s/r report…

No undo button was available even though I see an Undo column.

Here’s what our Biblical Terms window looks like now…

How do we get this back?

When I look at Recent Changes, Undo is not available for the Terms change where the corruption started (see below). Is Undo only available for changes to the project text?


Paratext by (280 points)

4 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Restoring ProjectBiblicalTerms.xml file seems to improve things.

I’ve just emailed you a link where you can download ProjectBiblicalTerms.xml and copy it into your aArp folder.

Alternatively if you would like to do the restore process yourself:

  1. Download tortoisehg.
  2. Close PT.
  3. Open aArp folder in thg
  4. Select change where ProjectBiblicalTerms.xml was deleted. (5bcd7013ece7)
  5. Right click on the deleted file and click “Revert to revision”
  6. Select parent revision and click ok.
  7. Start PT, and if BT are ok ok - S/R.
by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

0 votes

Hi Ben, this might be obvious, but did you intend for the screenshot of your empty BibT window to be of the aArpBT project? The Send/Receive shot shows changes to aArp terms.

by (630 points)

If I understand correctly, the aArpBT project key terms are based off of the list kept in relation to the aArp project. The bottom of that screenshot shows that the related file is the aArp Project Biblical Terms file. In any case, the screenshot showed key terms there for aArpBT yesterday, and the other screen shot shows the send/receive report where it was the aArp project that had something happen with Terms.

+1 vote

Looking at the history for aArp project, it looks like:

ProjectBiblicalTerms.xml file was deleted by MatthewW machine (5bcd7013ece7) 4 hours ago: 2021-02-18 09:33:24 -0500

And there are two copied of the BiblicalTerms xml fille in the project.

“BiblicalTermsaArp - Copy before merging Major PNG Biblical Terms into it.xml”

“BiblicalTermsaArp - Copy-Possible recovery from error.xml”

But these are old. 2012-2013 (so they should deleted from the project to avoid confusion)

I going to try restoring the deleted ProjectBiblicalTerms.xml file to see if that helps…

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)
0 votes

Thanks hindlemail! That worked!

by (280 points)

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