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When working in Paratext I can make notes on a Cyrillic project:


Though even then I had some difficulty, as whey I reopen the note after pasting a Cyrillic phrase in there, it comes up with a lot of info on the font and style. Still, that can be manually deleted, though this is time-consuming.

Worse, when I make a notes report, whether of consultant notes or project notes, all the Cyrillic and Hebrew fonts get corrupted. Here’s an example:

2KI 1:4 Иляс
Dawut Unknown 2018-01-02 >(Unassigned)
‘Ильяс пророк исполнил - это поручение’ - what did he do, exactly?
Dawut Unknown 2018-01-09

What’s going on here, and how can I fix it?


Paratext by (115 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

In your illustrated example, anon800197, you have the language russian (russ) applied to your note. So I would assume that, if the alphabet for that is Cyrillic, and is correctly set up, it should handle Cyrillic text fine. I can understand if you insert Hebrew to such a note, how it might create garbage from that, as Cyrillic script is not Hebrew script, nor vice versa.

by (536 points)

I’ve tried changing it to Russian, and it still produces garbage.

The work-around, for the moment, is to produce a PDF list of notes, and
then anyone interested can look at their details in Paratext.


0 votes

What version of Paratext is this in?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

Looks like it is displaying the note as ANSI to me rather than Unicode.
Not sure why it would do this.

D anon467281

Global Publishing Services
WBT Central (Africa, Europe, Eurasia thru India) DBL Curator, Scripture Typesetting trainer & Regular Expression "specialist"
Dallas, TX

by (571 points)

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