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I have a project (KBP - Kivira Bible Project), that shows up in the users S/R list (see attached image). According to the project properties this project is registered, but I can’t find this project in the Paratext Registry when I search for e.g. ‘KBP’ or ‘Kivira’. Why not?


Paratext by (105 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

The project is in the registry.
Can you get to it from this link?

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

Thanks for looking into this question!

I tried the link and this is what I get:

So apparently I can’t see this project, wondering why not. I’m for sure not a member of this project but got a support question and was assuming I could at least lookup this project.

0 votes

Most people can only see projects they are a part of, or that belong to the same organization. That project belongs to the Seed Company, which is why you can not see it.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

OK, thanks that makes sense. So far I was assuming I could basically lookup any project and user in the Paratext Registry (unless it was marked as confidential).

To whom should I turn to get the additional rights so I can check the registry when I support people that work in SIL and/or SC projects?

You need to be given the role of Paratext Supporter. You would need to apply to the right person in Seed Company, and also in SIL. I think the project you mentioned is in DRC and under Seed Company, so ask one of the IT people in Seed Company about being granted this role.

Thanks, that makes sense, I’ll ask both SIL and SC to change my role to Paratext Supporter (for DRC located projects)

It would be sufficient to ask the project administrator to add you as a member to the project (either via the Registry or via User Roles & Permissions). Being a supporter in the organisation may also allow you to see it, but it should not be necessary.

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Gerben+Budding, are you a member of the project? I think that would give you the ability to see it in the registry.

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

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