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Suddenly one of my projects refuses to complete a S/R. All other projects do not have this problem. I am using Paratext, but the same happens if I try with Paratext 9. I reported it under PTXS-21554. Could there be a problem with this specific project on the server? It is called KPZ.

Paratext by (869 points)

1 Answer

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The first thing that is done when S/R is started on a project is a commit to save recent changes to project history.

You can simulate this by using “Mark point in project history”.

I have seen cases where this takes a long time when a change is made to a large file - even a couple of hours in the worst case I’ve seen.

We use Mercurial for project history and there isn’t a good work around other than letting Mercurial complete the commit.


Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)


Thanks. I have started my computer to do this. How long it will take I cannot know since it is still working on it. 5 translators are working on the same project in a different country. Would each of them need to also mark a point. Could it be from any computer?

It did take a couple of hours to mark the point in history, and after that, the S/R is working again.

I don’t think other users will need to do the “mark point in history” - the file was your notes file and they won’t have local changes to it.


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