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I have several users who have recently migrated to PT 9 and are having an issue where Paratext seems to crash. When they reopen Paratext the last verse or two that they were working on is gone. I’m working to gather some additional information but wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this?

Paratext by (128 points)

3 Answers

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by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

Our team also has experienced Paratext 9 closing unexpectedly on two different computers, quite frequently. We didn’t usually lose data, as we were sometimes just reading and checking. There was no clear cause, as it happened at different times, apparently not triggered by any specific action.
After reporting it, we were told that they have identified the problem, and are working on a fix that will be part of Paratext 9.1 which should be released in November.
So I recommend to save frequently and just be patient.

by (138 points)
0 votes

I am teaching a translation class using Paratext. One of my students emailed me yesterday saying that she when starts Paratext 9 and it shuts down immediately before she has been able to do anything. None of the other students are reporting any problems with PT 9.

by (104 points)

Oranghutan 12, that sounds like it is probably a different issue than the one that was causing periodic crashes with PT9.

Here’s something from the PT Help files that might work for your student:
If there are problems with Paratext crashing, it might help to reset the program:

          Hold down the Shift key when starting Paratext.
          Click Yes to confirm that you wish to reset your Paratext settings.
          Do one of the following:
              Click Yes if you wish to report a problem (to let the development team know what problems you encountered which caused you to want to reset Paratext).Follow the steps (from step 2 onwards) in How do I report a problem in Paratext? to report the problem.
              Click No if you do not wish to report a problem.
          Click OK when asked to do so.
          Restart Paratext.
          Select the interface language you wish to use, and click OK.
          Re-open any windows you need to continue your work.

Thanks. I will pass this on to her.


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