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Has anyone experienced an error like this as PT is opening:



(I sent an email to PT Support, but I thought I’d ask here, too, since the user is unable to do any work.)

This user is a translator for a minority language project (I mainly work for the national language project). I believe he’s only just installed PT, but every time he runs it, he gets this error.

Paratext by (1.4k points)

1 Answer

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I did some searching on the error message and some think it may be malware
related and some think it is a missing runtime for C++.

We do test the installers on clean machines, so I lean toward the malware

The path in one of the error messages is unusual - Explorer.exe in an
AppData folder - would be good to see where that program came from.

The error seems to be pretty early in the installation process, which makes
me think it is not something the installer has added to the system.

Hope this helps,
Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.1k points)

I still don’t have the whole history, but it seem this user was using PT for a year before this problem happened. A number of others have messed with it, trying to fix it, but today the laptop is with me. PT had been uninstalled. I reinstalled it and got an installation error. After a restart and another attempt it got further, as far as where it asks you to restart, but immediately after the restart there was an installation error.

Both errors told me to view the log, but when I clicked to do this, the log was not displayed. Where is that log – can I view it manually?

(It would be nice to have a Help topic that says where the installation log file is.)

I found some logs in the Temp folder – I guess I’ll email them to John+Wickberg (John+Wickberg, you may have done yourself a disservice replying to me first here :smiley:. If this conversation should go on via [Email Removed] , I’ll switch to there.)

For the logs, you can send them to me directly, [Email Removed]


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