0 votes

Paratext 7.5 suddenly started to crash when we wanted to send/receive. When installing 7.6test I am told that it cannot find the user settings and therefore cannot send/receive.

How can I restore user settings or what may be wrong. The version of Paratext makes no difference. I tried to repair, uninstall and reinstall 7.5 and tried 7.6 test. Nothing helped.

Paratext by (869 points)

4 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

It’s hard to know what could be happening, but since it started occurring
recently my first guess would be that something caused some Paratext
program files to either be deleted or rolled back to earlier versions.

If you are getting a Windows crash rather than a Paratext error report -
try resetting Paratext by holding the Shift key down while it is starting.

If you are getting Paratext error reports, I don’t see anything recent on
the bug tracking system. If the report is saved to your desk top, email it
to [Email Removed].

For Paratext 7.6 not finding user settings, that shouldn’t be a problem -
it will just start with what is already there.

Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)


It is a Windows 7 crash. As soon as I click on the send/receive it does
not arrive to the place where it looks for an Internet or USB
connection. It immediately moves into a loop and does not respond. 7.6
started ok, but it still crashed at the same spot as 7.5 did. So, it
sounds like it has nothing to do with the settings then. I’ll try
resetting Paratext tomorrow when I have access to this particular
computer again.


Resetting did not solve the problem, but we discovered the cause.

The translator had put a spurious DVD in the DVD-drive which Windows
could not read. When Paratext is looking for a place to send/receive, it
searches the computer’s USB ports. It apparently also searches the
DVD-drive, and since the DVD inside was unreadable, it got stuck there.
After we removed the DVD, Paratext worked as normal.

Thanks for your help,

0 votes

I would delete the project (Back it up first if you are concerned) and then
run send/receive. It will collect the settings from the server.



by (1.3k points)
0 votes

I am having a similar problem with one user. He has Windows 10. When we go to File (Fichier) >Send/Receive (Envoyer/recevoir), the computer crashes with a Windows error. I can see the dialog box behind which is set to Internet.

The WiFi was disactivated, and he is running a PowerISO so it says it has two DVD but only has one physical drive.I have turned off the PowerISO so it now knows it has one DVD.

I have activated the WiFi but it won’t connect to any WiFi connection I have, so I am suspecting a faulty WiFi.

This is a fresh install of Paratext 8. Other than resources there are no projects installed.

Is there a setting somewhere so that I can change from Internet to USB without using the dialog box which crashes seconds after I access it?

by (211 points)

I think the easiest option is to go to Tools > Options and disable internet

If you have trouble doing that, you could edit this file:

and change PermittedInternetUse to Disabled.


I thought of that while I was waiting for a reply. Unfortunately it has had no effect. I since found out that the wireless card doesn’t work.

0 votes

I finally resolved the problem by updating Windows 10 to 1709.

I am not sure what the exact cause of the problem. Most likely it was a combination of a faulty DVD drive and the remains of the virus attack which blocked Internet access. I got lots of hits in my Google searches about not being able to access the Internet after a virus attack.

I was getting desperate as the team leave for the village tomorrow and I thought we would be throwing away the migrated project and going back to Paratext 7 because at least Paratext 7 would send/receive with a USB key. It is most unfortunate that something has changed in Paratext 8 which triggers the crash.

I am sure these two reported problems are not the only problem computers around.

by (211 points)

Since the crashes were caught by Windows rather than the normal problem
reporting of Paratext, it is very hard to get good information about what
is happening.

Sometimes there will be useful information in the Events Viewer - an error
report will be listed there with Paratext as the source.

My guess is that the error was occurring when trying to find the USB drives
connected to the system - at least that would make sense because of the
problem with the DVD drive.

Since upgrading to Windows 10 1709 fixed the problem, it was probably a
.Net bug - that update does include a new .Net release. Paratext 7.5 and
Paratext 8.0 do use different versions of .Net, though I would think they
use the same installed copy, so could be there was a combination of a code
change and a .Net bug.


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