+1 vote

Hello everyone,

what if the linux version was packaged in an appimage format so that it wouldn’t be broken by dependencies all the time? It would mean that it would be more easier to be be installed, and would allow for the user to continue to update their system without worrying that they might break the program.

More information about appimage format can be seen here: https://appimage.org/

“Download an application, make it executable, and run! No need to install. No system libraries or system preferences are altered.”

Paratext by (137 points)

2 Answers

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anon845828, that’s a wonderful idea!

An alternative option is to package it as a snap, which is the preferred way of doing this on Ubuntu-based systems: https://snapcraft.io/

by (180 points)

that would also work great. the sil programs, scripture app builder bloom etc… all of them seem to break if i try to keep an up to date system. don’t get me wrong i like using wasta, just would be handy to not have to worry every time i upgrade.

0 votes

wouldn’t it be possible for an end user, to do that themselves then be able to update without worrying about breaking the system?

by (137 points)

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Hebrews 10:24-25
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