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Is the release version of PT8 available for Linux yet? From the web page http://pt8.paratext.org/download/paratext-for-linux/ it seems like it should be available. I have followed the directions at http://packages.sil.org/, but the only versions of PT that show up are 7.4, 7.5, 7.6 and resources-7.5.

I believe the system I’m trying to install on is Linux Mint 17 MATE 32-bit, and not actually Wasta 14.04, but it seems like the installation instructions should still work. Paratext 7.5 is installed already, and the Paratext 7 versions seem to come up fine (and PT 7.6, when the experimental repository is added), so that error doesn’t seem to interfere with my ability to access the SIL packages repository. But Paratext 8 does not show up.

Any insights?

Paratext by (1.4k points)

4 Answers

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Well, I’m still beating my head against this wall… We finally downloaded the Wasta 16.04 32-bit iso (2.2GB), and I installed it on this machine. I wanted the UI in French, but when I chose to install in French, the download of the language packs always seemed to fail (maybe due to poor Internet). So I installed Wasta in English, and then used the Language Support tool to change the UI to French - I guess the Internet was good enough for that. So far so good.

But now when I go Logithèque Ubuntu and search for “paratext”, all I get is “paratext-mono” and “paratext-7.5”. I have verified in Sources de Logiciels… that the repository http://packages.sil.org/ubuntu xenial main is there and check-marked, and I have also check-marked the repository http://packages.sil.org/ubuntu xenial-experimental main, just in case.

I was wondering if maybe Paratext 8 requires a 64-bit OS, but when I look at http://packages.sil.org/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-i386/Packages, there seems to be an entry for Package: paratext-8.0. Is that an indication that it should work on a 32-bit OS?

I was lead to believe that Wasta should have access to Paratext and SIL applications out of the box, but I can’t seem to find Paratext 8. And now I have followed all of the directions on the packages page for Ubuntu 16.04 as well, but still no joy.

Thanks for any pointers.

by (1.4k points)

Sorry for cross-posting, but jeffh's question is really a Linux one. Has anyone else noticed packages not showing up when you search for them?

I have noticed with Synaptic in Wasta 16.04 that sometimes the SIL programs from -experimental don't show up when I filter by typing into the Search text box on the toolbar, even though I know they are available (I have reloaded the sources, etc). I can find them with the [Search] toolbar button (or Ctrl-F or Edit > Search). It's pretty annoying, actually! I think it must be a bug, because it has not happened before in my Ubuntu experience.

You might try Synaptic rather than the Ubuntu Software Center app. Make sure you have "Reloaded" since you ticked the xenial-experimental source line (do it again from the toolbar button, just in case). Then use the Search button and search for "paratext".

Hope this helps!


Sorry for cross-posting, but jeffh's question is really a Linux one. Has anyone else noticed packages not showing up when you search for them?

I have noticed with Synaptic in Wasta 16.04 that sometimes the SIL programs from -experimental don't show up when I filter by typing into the Search text box on the toolbar, even though I know they are available (I have reloaded the sources, etc). I can find them with the [Search] toolbar button (or Ctrl-F or Edit > Search). It's pretty annoying, actually! I think it must be a bug, because it has not happened before in my Ubuntu experience.

You might try installing it with Synaptic rather than the Ubuntu Software Center app; Synaptic has a more transparent GUI, which I appreciate. Make sure you have "Reloaded" since you ticked the xenial-experimental source line (do it again from the toolbar button, just in case). Then use the Search button and search for "paratext".

Hope this helps!


Thanks for this information, anon346273. Yes, when I opened the Synaptic Package Manager, verified that xenial-experimental was checked, and clicked Reload, then finally PT8 appeared! I’ll have to wait until later to download the 1.5GB of PT8 and all of its dependencies, but it looks like we are on the right track now. Thank you.

NB: And just a further note, although PT8 first appeared in Synaptic when I had changed the UI back to English, it does still appear with the UI in French, as one would expect/hope.

0 votes

Jenni Beadle found an email from December mentioning the need to install the pso-keys package to get the SIL public keys. So the pso-keys package is now installed on this machine, which fixes an error that came up when refreshing the repository list (something about missing public key for the key ECD304BD65523BB9). But Paratext 8 still doesn’t come up in the list of available packages.

by (1.4k points)
0 votes

This is because Linux Mint 17 MATE is 14.04/trusty based and not 16.04/xenial based.

If you upgraded to Mint 18 PT 8 would then be available.

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)
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From the web page at http://pt8.paratext.org/download/paratext-for-linux/, it says:
“The recommended version of Linux for all versions of Paratext is Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial). Paratext 7.5 is also available for 14.04 (Trusty), and for 12.04 (Precise), which is nearing end of life.”

I can see now that this can be read to say that Paratext 8 is ONLY available for Ubuntu 16.04, but it would be far better to make that clearer - when I read that the recommended version of Linux is Xenial, it sort of implies that others versions can also work. It might be better to say something like “Paratext 8 requires Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial). Paratext 7.5 works best on Xenial, but it is also available for 14.04 (Trusty), and for 12.04 (Precise), which is nearing end of life.”

Thanks for clearing this up for us.

by (1.4k points)

jeffh, would something like this be clearer / clear enough?

Yes, that would be very helpful additional information.

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