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A user pointed out that when editing a translation, with the back translation open, back translation seemed to be adding new lines ahead of \v 1. The user created a video showing the issue, and I was able to replicate it on mine.
As the user was in Jonah I added the book of Jonah to my example project, and created a Back Translation for my project. I opened Jonah, and added text to chapter 4…including a \s I edited the Back Translation version of chapter 4, including the \s. When I would edit the text in \v1 of the translation, extra spaces would appear before \v1 in the back translation.
When I took a look at the underlying .sfm file for Jonah using notepad++ I saw several new lines being added This is Notepad++
This is what the text looks like in PTx 9.1.104

Any ideas?

Paratext by (476 points)

1 Answer

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This looks like a bug (and should be reported through Help > Give Feedback). However, if you don’t want to see this behavior you can change to Standard View.

by (8.5k points)

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