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How many people are using Pathway to make small printing runs instead of relying on Print Draft or Save to RTF? Are users having difficulties achieving the formatting that they want? How many entities have specialists to create custom CSS files when the included style sheets are not satisfactory. How well known is it that Pathway is meant to replace utilities such as SILAS to produce more polished publications without the need to use InDesign?

Paratext by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

2 Answers

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I think I used Pathway with ParaTExt once. I didn’t get the results I wanted… (I use Pathway often with FLEx, so I do know my way around a bit). As a result, I rely on Print Draft for ParaTExt printing. It returns decent results, though recently footnote and cross reference callers aren’t showing up…

I have colleagues who use SILAS and Save to RTF, but I think moving them to Pathway would be a significant challenge (if I didn’t get the results I wanted, I wouldn’t know how to get them the results they’re after). Oh, and our entity does not have specialists to create custom CSS files.

by (615 points)
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My feed back in the form of a case study: Today I was going to use Pathway to prepare and typeset some portions. I wanted to export through Pathway to Xelatex, but without success. Pathway complains it can’t find Xelatex. (xelatex works from the command line.) Also PW cannot save my custom stylesheet in the Pathway Configuration Tool. (Permissions problem?) I would be able to build a custom css file if needed. (I guess I can go ahead with that apart from the PW Config Tool.) I don’t know anything about SILAS. I would love to avoid the need for InDesign.

by (166 points)

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