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L.S. I have been struggeling to get this added material working, can you guide me along
1 the first is “kpasin” similar to have-a-look-at
exemple : Mat 3.7 kpasin.
In extra material I put _|_kpasin. and this works fine

  1. the second is “gɔn xxxxxx raa.” similar to go xxxxxx to
    exemple: gɔn Esayi 12.3; Yeremi 2.13 raa.
    In the extra materials, I cannot get this to work in addition to the _|_kpasin.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance, goodgoan

Paratext by (322 points)

1 Answer

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The vertical bar is used as an “or” operator. I can’t exactly tell if you are having a vertical bar before your first extra material or not. Here is an example of a project that had two possible kinds of extra materials in the footnotes:

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

Thanks anon044949,
In that exemple you are showing, if you would add to that “See :” as additional extra material to what is already there, how would you do it ?


Well, “Moone” does mean see, but to add see to the possible extra texts allowed I would add it to the end like this:
Moone | (Bibiliya Seputuwazhinta) | See

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