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We have a NT where verse segments are used in references. The language settings does include the relevant Cross reference caller sequence and the verse segment information. In Scripture reference settings the section Extra material has the relevant info, too.

The question, then, conserns PT 8.0 RC. Why is it, that the PT 8 Basic Checks flag out the case where the reference is Joh. 18:38b–19:16a but it does not flag out e.g. Joh. 19:16b–27 after \r marker?

The error message says “Extra material can not occur around range separator: b”. I do not quite understand, what does the extra material here mean. Is it that the system does not allow including a reference to the next chapter after b or that it does not allow a segment anfter b one?

Paratext by (250 points)

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Now I have another question. In one of the projects I work with, the cross references are used in two different forms when it comes to use a separator between the individual references:
either 1. Moos. 1:1; 2. Moos. 2:3 (semicolon as the separator)
or 1. Moos. 1:1 | 2. Moos. 2:3 (vertical line U+007C as the separator)
There is certan logic behind these and I am not in a possition to change this. This will create in our case about 1000 errors in Basic Checks, obviously because our settings are not correct. They are of the types “Invalid extra material”, “Invalid verse separator” and “Missing separator between references”.

We have at this moment in Scripture Reference Settings in Reference Format section semicolon (; ) as the separator in List of books and + in the Extar material. If I add the vertical line to the extra material accoring to the guide supplied = | , nothing happens, no effect.

Thus, how should our settings be so that the PT would accept the vertical line as an option to the semicolon?

by (250 points)
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What is the “relevant info” in the “Extra material” section? Based on the examples you show, I don’t see any text that should be listed as extra material.

I am using and “18:38b–19:16a” is recognized as a valid reference.

It would help to see your Scripture Reference settings.

by (8.5k points)

Extra material includes things like " (LXX)". The list of extras is to
be separated by a vertical bar (logical or) |. Make sure to include
preceding or trailing spaces as I show in the preceding LXX example.

D anon467281

Global Publishing Services
Scripture Typesetting trainer & Regular Expression "specialist"
Dallas, TX

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I am a little bit behind anon848905. My PT is

In Scripture Reference Settings section Reference Format we have in Extra Material box “a|b|c” If I remove all of these, the Basic Check will flag out every reference where the letter a appears as “Invalid book” (which is a bit strange in itself). If I keep them all, only this John 18:38 case is flagged. Other cases where the letter b appears are never flaged out.

However, and after a little experimenting, if I only add the letter a to the Scripture Reference settings Extra Material, PT will happily accept all the references. But why is this? What is the logic behind the checking prosedure?

BTW, in language settings (Other Chars) all normal Latin charchers are listed in Verse segment characters section.

by (250 points)
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If you have the verse segments marked correctly as:

a b c d e f…

in the Language Settings > Other Characters > Verse Segments, then you should not need to add any of the verse segments to “extra material” in the Scripture Reference Settings.

by (8.5k points)

That’s what I thought, too. In reality the error messahe is missleading in this case. I think I have all the settings correctly, but still recieve error messages. BUT now I know that this has nothing to do with the verse segments. The problem comes from the verse separator character.

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If you enter the following in the “List of Chapters” or “List of Books” as needed:

; | |

Note that this is semicolon, space, vertical bar, space, backslash, vertical, bar space

It should work for you (it does for me).

by (8.5k points)

Thanks, anon848905. That did help.

I never realisied that you can add more that one item also to other format sections than the extra material, because the guide attached with the Scripture Reference Settings in PT 7.5 does not tell this. It only says “Enter the punctuation character” - in singular.

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