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I am looking at implementing project plans etc. on existing/mature projects, but one issue that I am having difficulty with is recording the progress of previously completed material. For instance, as a part of a project plan, we would like to include the BT checks, etc. However, much of our material (which was translated and then imported into Paratext), doesn’t have a corresponding BT in Paratext. At present, I don’t see a way to “grandfather” in parts of a project that were previously completed. For example, about half of our NT in my project was translated before we started using Paratext. So, the BT is not there, though the material is finished and printed. I don’t really see any straightforward way to mark those books as complete. I think I could remove the BT checks, mark the progress as complete, and then add the BT checks back into the project plan, but that gets complicated for many users.

Paratext by (418 points)

2 Answers

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This morning I have been working on generating a project plan for my organization, and I have noticed a couple of things. Especially in the early days of Translation, we are translating book portions, not complete books.
In setting up the project plan, I wanted to set the stages to be able to begin after the previous Stage was complete for the chapters being translated at the time, (some of the stage tasks are able to be done simultaneously). If I set tasks to be able to start after a previous stage was complete, it requires that all chapters in the stage be complete, but if I allow it to start after the previous task was completed, I have the option of selecting completion by chapter.
Would it be feasible to also include the Stage chapter option?
If not, the after previous stage by chapter option is a workable solution.
Incidentally, I noticed an easy way to bypass the issue of imported/mature material not passing all the checks, due to missing BT’s etc…Our NT had already been finished, but many of the BT’s were not in Paratext, causing it to fail the BT checks. However, in Assignments and Progress, by changing the view to Stages Table, I could check that all stages were complete, which then reports the progress as complete in the Progress chart. In the Stages table it still showed the issues that it encountered because of the checks, but it didn’t affect the ability to mark the stage as complete.

by (418 points)
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by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

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