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In the USX export file from Paratext, for certain references, the transformation adds an extra “-” in the tag. For example: Deut 1:22 has a cross reference to Num 13:1–14.

This is the Paratext entry:

\v 22 “Then\x - \xo 1:22–46 \xt Nm 13–14\xt*\x* all of you…

This is the USX entry:
char style="xt"ref loc="NUM 13:-1-14"Nm 13–14</ref

Note this is my first posting and in order to get the code to display I had to delete the <> symbols. I don’t know.

I am unsure of what is causing this problem, whether it is the Paratext formatting or a bug in the USX transformation. Any help would be appreciated.

Paratext by (109 points)

2 Answers

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I’m confused. The example you are showing says Nm 13–14 becomes Nm 13–14. In your example it looks like your reference is not formatted as you say it should be in the second sentence.

by (8.0k points)
0 votes


I’m sorry it should be a cross reference to “NUM 13–14” (chapter range) apologies for misstating reference.

by (109 points)

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