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Dear colleagues,
When linking some Biblical Terms with Glossary entries to be able to automatically insert asterixes, paratext changes the glossary layout to \p instead of my \li2 choice (see image). Can this be customized before export out of paratext ?

In the image you see the origional \li2 layout and the \p which is automatically inserted when the link is established from within the Biblical Terms Module.


Paratext by (316 points)

1 Answer

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There is currently no way to set a different default. Please note that when you edit the glossary from the Biblical Terms tool two things happen. 1) the entry gets created with the \p marker and 2) the entries get reordered according to the alphabetic listing of the language settings.

I would recommend not worrying about the markers or order until you have finished working with the Glossary and then at the end you can either change the markers or reorder as needed. In fact, you might want to change your \li2 to be \p during the process of preparing the Glossary.

by (8.0k points)
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