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We have linked a Biblical Term to a glossary entry. We know how to link it to a different glossary entry, but we anon421222’t want to do that. We just want to unlink it. I have not discovered a way to do this. Thanks for any help you can give me on this.

Paratext by (296 points)

1 Answer

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Can you delete both the Citation Form and the Definition and click OK within the Edit Rendering>Glossary tab? If I understand correctly, that will leave the entry that is in GLO but will no longer associate it with that Biblical Term.

Edit: You might make a copy of the definition before trying this in case things anon421222’t go as planned.

by (1.2k points)

How do I unlink a Biblical Term rendering from a glossary entry?

In what follows, “glossary markup” is used to refer to “markup that indicates that a term (or terms) is linked to a glossary entry”.

In Paratext 9.0 (and later), follow the steps below to unlink Biblical Terms renderings from their glossary entries:

  1. Click the tab of your project to make it the active tab.
  2. Click the tab menu icon in your project, then from the Tools menu, select Biblical Terms.
  3. Do one of the following:
  • To unlink renderings for a single Biblical Term from a glossary entry, select the term in the upper pane, click the tab menu icon in the Biblical Terms tool, then from the Edit menu, select Unlink selected renderings from glossary.
  • To unlink renderings for multiple Biblical Terms from their glossary entries, select the terms in the upper pane, click the tab menu icon in the Biblical Terms tool, then from the Edit menu, select Unlink selected renderings from glossary.
  • To unlink renderings for all Biblical Terms from their glossary entries, click the tab menu icon in the Biblical Terms tool, then from the Edit menu, select Unlink all renderings from glossary.
  1. Click Yes when a message asks you if you are sure you want to permanently delete all references to glossary entries for the command you selected in step 3.

For books and chapters which you have permission to edit, Paratext deletes the glossary markup (\w … \w*) and deletes any citation form present after the rendering.
Paratext will not delete references to glossary entries in any books or chapters which you do not have permission to edit.

Reasons why you might want to unlink a Biblical Terms rendering from a glossary entry:

  • To get the correct number of glossary references, especially if you want to switch from linking the “First occurrence in every section” to linking the “First occurrence in every chapter”.
  • To get up-to-date citation forms, since edits made in the GLO book are not automatically reflected in the text.

After you unlink a Biblical Terms rendering from a glossary entry, if you want to again link that Biblical Terms rendering to a glossary entry, see How do I link Biblical Term renderings to their glossary entries?

Warning: Be careful if any Biblical Terms rendering is a homograph of a rendering for another Biblical Term which can occur in the same verse. (That is, if two Biblical Terms expected in a given verse could both match the same word in that verse.) If you are unlinking all Biblical Terms renderings from their glossary entries in preparation for generating a fresh set of links, you might create ambiguities. Be prepared to manually check Paratext’s work for Biblical Terms with homograph renderings.


Yes, that’s what I needed to do. Thank you. I guess what we’re thinking when we do this is we’re deleting the link, we’re not deleting the glossary entry.


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