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There is no Help topic for Download/Install Resources… in PT8/9, so I’m creating this conversation.

Paratext by (1.4k points)

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In PT9, the Download/Install resources… box has a Filter Text field. This is very useful for finding what you want in the (currently) ≈1500 resources.

A copy of the Guide for this dialog box in not yet available on this site (at the time of writing). Here’s an extract from it:

Optional: Enter text in the “Filter Text” box to limit the resources displayed to those that contain that text in their Name, Full Name, or Language.

Optional: Do one of the following to select or deselect resources available to you:

  • Click All to select all uninstalled resources.
  • Click None to deselect all resources.
  • Click Updated to select only those resources that have been updated since you installed them.

For example, you can search for:

  • a language code, e.g. spa or cmn-hant-HK ;
  • enhanced or just enh – this will show all the Enhanced Resources, since these all have the descriptor “Enhanced resource” suffixed on the resource name; their names have “Media for Enhanced Resources” suffixed;
  • media – this will show the media resource libraries that are used by Enhanced Resources;
  • gloss or interlin – currently, doing both these searches will find all of the only three additional-gloss projects available (these allow non-English interlinear glossing in source-text windows: How do I display Additional Glosses in the SLT window?). Since there’s no enforced standard for designating additional-gloss projects, there’s no guaranteed way to search for them;
  • notes for Notes projects, e.g TAZI Study Notes – though, again, there’s no standard for distinguishing these from other resources.

One thing I’ve noticed: you can’t type more than one word in the Filter Text box: any filter term which includes a space returns no results. I’d like to see this changed.

I feel that some filter buttons would make this dialog box even better. Without them, I see the following issues:

  • You can’t filter the list to show only new resources;
  • You can’t filter only resources with updates (even though there’s a button to select just these);
  • Searching using a short word or code may give superfluous results: if you want to search search for German resources with the filter “deu”, you also find other resources, e.g. those with “deuterocanon” in the name. (For this to be fixed, there would have to be a way to specify which field you want to search.)
  • It’s hard to find all the additional-gloss projects, or all the Notes projects. (Are there more types of non-biblical-text projects? I’d be interested to know.)

The Open… dialog box has buttons to filter the list of projects/resources. Maybe, in a similar fashion, this box could have:

  • New
  • Updated

… and, in combination with the above:

  • Resources
  • Enhanced Resources
  • Additional Glosses
  • Notes
by (1.4k points)

In Paratext 9, there is a help topic entitled: “How do I download or install a resource text?”

Ah, yes, I see it. But there’s not a copy of it on this site.

When this site was launched, there were topics with copies of every Help topic, and the text of every Guide. Sadly, the P9 Helps and Guides anon421222’t seem to have made it here. I was very much in the habit of adding extra info by replying to those topics, which was what I wanted to do with post #2 of this conversation.

Is there a plan to get those topics up here?

I have passed the inquiry on to Doug Higby.

I believe that Nathan M originally seeded this site with the help topics to get things going. What is needed here is supporters insights and helps to questions that are not answered by the help topics found in Paratext.

Maybe @anon451647 could comment on whether that was a one-off initiative, or whether he intended it to continue.

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