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One of our branch members is having trouble with the A&P tool interacting with her interlinearizer. Specifically, she has changed the language that she does her glosses in sometime in the past, and it seems that the A&P tool is only counting her glosses from the previous language used.

I’m wondering if it has something to do with the GlossId field in the lexicon.xml file? It seems that the ones from the first language have a long GlossId, whereas the ones from the new language all seem to have a GlossId of “0”, or “1”.

Paratext by (105 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

What do you mean by she “changed the language”? Did she switch to a different model text?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


I wasn’t around at the time. During the switch from legacy to Unicode they had to reconstruct the lexicon so it would display correctly. I’m not sure what that means, and I’ll have to ask for more details.
Around that same time she started recording her glosses in English instead of Tok Pisin. That’s all the back story she gave me.

The problem is that in the Progress tool the number of issues under the interlinearizer seems to be reflecting the work she had done in Tok Pisin instead of the work she has done in English. And if you click on the link it pulls up the interlinear with the Tok Pisin Bible.

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I know another team that does a back translation in a regional language first, then they do a second back translation from that into English. They are having similar issues but they have to back translation projects. Changing the glossing language in the same project is bound to cause problems.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
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