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I’m having a problem with quotation rules where when there is an OT quote embedded in someone’s speech. The following is taken from Luke 7:24-27 (back translated into English). In v24 Jesus begins speaking and then in v27 quotes Malachi 3:1. There is a footnote and a cross reference in the \q2 line but neither of these contain a quote marker.

\p \v 24 ... \add He said,\add* “Why did you go .... \v27 God spoke like this about John in the Holy Book,
\q1 ‘Look, I command My messenger to go before You.
\q2 He will prepare Your way before You.’*” 
\p \v 28 \add Jesus said,\add* “....

This use of quotation markers is also employed by some of national translations in our area, but Paratext doth complain most grievously giving the following errors:


I purloined the Quotation Rules from one of the aforementioned translations, but my thievery produced no better results.

It seems like Paratext (under my present configuration) has no love for the ' that begins the \q1 line and also doesn’t consider the " at the end of the \q2 line to be the close marker for the whole quote which began in v24.

If I position the single open quote before the \b marker (i.e. ... Holy Book, '), then Paratext is satisfied. Furthermore, adding a " to the beginning of the \q1 solves the problem. However, neither of those are viable solutions given the desired layout. I further attempted to persuade Paratext to accept the desired layout by setting the Quote Continuer at new paragraph to *none* but, alas, this was also rejected

Here are our present Quotation Rules. Any ideas how to cajole Paratext to accept the desired layout?

Thanks a lot

Note: I realize this question is quote similar to Quotes within Quotes error - Questions - Paratext Supporter Site, but after trying to implement that I still couldn’t get things to work.

Paratext by (111 points)

2 Answers

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That worked. Thanks for submitting the bug report.

Next question. How would I handle something like the following:

\p .... Mary said
\q1 “My soul praises God ,

\q2 \v 47...

\q2 \v 48...

\q1 ...

\q2 \v 49 ...


\q1 \v 50 ...


\q1 \v 51 “...

\q2 ...

The problem is that the quote is poetry and starts on the \q1 but doesn’t have a close quote marker before the \b marker because Mary is still speaking in v51. Paratext says that there is a quote with no close marker. I’m assuming that I’d need to add b/q1 to my settings for required continuers, but doing so causes the errors I posted about initially. I’m assuming that the best thing would be to deny the errors in this case since these cases are much less common than what I initially posted about. I just wanted to check and see if I was missing something.

by (111 points)

This example should not be a problem if the first level starts at the \q1. The problem will occur for you if sometimes you want a continuer at b/q1 and sometimes you don’t want the continuer (as in your previous example). You might need to consider marking these differently. I’m not sure how to best do that, but generally you can’t use the same marker for two different things. In your first example you are using b/q1 for second level with no continuer, so you can’t use b/q1 with continuers or you will get errors.

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There seems to be a bug in PT (I’m reporting) that doesn’t update the rules immediately. The rules you are showing should work. Restart Paratext and run the check again.

by (8.5k points)

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