0 votes

I recently posted on the FLEx list, so sorry for the cross-post.

A few months ago I associated our Paratext project with FLEx and I could successfully import and update scripture in the text area of FLEx.

But recently, every time I select “choose texts” FLEx attempts to import the updated scripture texts and then crashes.

The right PT project (and only the right one) is associated, and the language codes do match. I did play around with associating other PT projects since it last worked, but as far as I can tell I have everything back to normal. I can look up words in the FLEx lexicon from PT just fine.

The end of the crash report looks like this

9:02:09 PM Start: AddTexts
9:02:09 PM Invoked AddTexts
9:02:11 PM Starting import
9:02:11 PM Starting import task
9:02:11 PM Loading Paratext project OJCR to import from MRK 1:0 to MRK 16:20
9:02:11 PM Importing book 41
9:02:13 PM Finished importing
9:02:13 PM Activated window [Oji-Cree FLEx9 - Winisk] handle: [0x40864]
9:02:14 PM Activated window [Oji-Cree FLEx9 - Winisk] handle: [0x40864]
9:02:14 PM Activated window [Oji-Cree FLEx9 - Winisk] handle: [0x40864]
9:02:15 PM Got exception TargetInvocationException

I’m Windows 7, FLEx 9, PT 8 (/9). Any ideas how to fix this?


Paratext by (128 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Import into FLEx happens entirely inside the FLEx application (except for the association part). I doubt we’d be able to help you. You could try the FLEx support.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

I second the recommendation to contact FLEX support. It was crashing on me when I tried to import Scripture from Paratext and they were able to help me. It’s working now.

by (140 points)

Thanks! Someone on the flex list helped me. I just had to delete the project and re download it from language depot.

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